Many Veterans turned out for Flag raising Ceremony!
The plan was for the flag raising and dedication ceremony to start at 2pm Sunday. A few of us went there early to set up and get ready for people to arrive at the 2 o’clock start, but by 1:30, the Veterans and friends started trickling in, by 1:45 they were parking on the grass!
It was just over whelming and beyond our expectations as to the number of Veterans that attended, estimated at around 100. We had all 5 of the branches of service represented. The flag raising ceremony at Cullen Park was the continuation of the Veterans Day celebration, that Howard Pinkley had annually hosted in front of his flag shop on Summit St., with Howard’s passing in September.
The dedication part of this ceremony, was to dedicate the newly completed Cullen Park “Entrance Way” project that we took on a month ago. We worked with the City of Toledo Parks Division, to remove the no longer needed toll booth on august 31st., then beginning October 25th and complete on November 1st with the installation of the flag pole, all by Volunteers and donations. More information in post below.
Below is a YouTube video, shot by Eric Wildstein, of WNWO channel 24 of Toledo, Ohio.
Thank You Eric for documenting this historic and moving moment in time for everyone especially the community of Point Place to cherish for ever!
Veterans Day Flag Raising and Dedication to be held at Cullen Park
On Veteran’s Day- Sunday, November 11th, a ceremony will be held at 2:00 pm at the entrance to Cullen Park, to dedicate the new flag and to honor Veterans. The flag pole had been donated by Howard Pinkley a Veteran, to the Visions of Cullen Park group and the flag was donated by Howard’s daughter, Wendy. They have been placed at the entrance of the park where the former toll booth stood. The area was improved with plantings and nautical post with ropes, the bollards were donated by Ken Socie. This was totally a volunteer project by the members of Visions of Cullen Park and local Point Place/Shoreland community residents.
Veterans are invited to attend along with the public who are encouraged to seek out veterans who may need a ride or assistance to attend.
For further information, call Tom Stagner at 419-727-9001
Don’t forget the November 28th meeting
The monthly meeting will include discussion of the ” Entrance Way Project”, also discussion on future projects and suggestions.
Meeting starts at 6:30 pm, at the CrossPoint Community Church, and usually last for 1 to 1 1/2 hours, depending on the subject that is up for discussion.
Entrance Way Project is Finished!
We complete the revitalization of the entrance “Island” or formerly known as the toll booth stop and pay place on Thursday, with the installation of the flag pole !!
The Entrance Way Project started back in august, by the City of Toledo removing the old and deteriorating blue toll booth. We then proceeded with a committee to come up with a design for that flat and barren concrete slab. We then brought the design to the attendees at the September and October Visions of Cullen Park meetings. Approval of funds to be taken from our “Kroger funds” for the project, plus a few anonymous Point Place/Shoreland concerned citizens, have stepped forward with money to complete this project- thank you! The flag pole had been donated by Howard Pinkley back in June.
We started Thursday morning (Oct. 25th), by renting a walk behind concrete saw at Home Depot. Volunteers Dave Zobler, Len Syreck and Bob Pulhuj, spent a long day cutting and loading 2 trailer loads, equaling about 2 tons of concrete, transporting it to a legal disposal site.

Friday was another rental day, a trailer type post hole auger from Home Depot, to drill four 12″ diameter holes 42″ deep, for the 3 wood “dolphins” and a flag pole sleeve. There were a couple of surprises, first was the all the sand and then “black gold” only 24″ down! Well the black gold quickly turned into black asphalt, the old original driveway to the park that was covered up when the park area raise to eliminate flooding back in the 1980’s. Again the volunteers, Gene Kidd, Lance, Hue, Dave Zobler and Bob Pulhuj worked through the Friday afternoon rain, mixing bags of cement for the flag pole and getting the wood post buried, so that the rain would wash the sand in around the post.

Saturday the 3 dolphins were finished and the plantings were put in place, along with a truck load of mulch was dropped off for us to rake in, donated by Jim Turski, of Point Place Lawn Care, that put the “icing on the cake”, if you will, that made the area looked terrific, as if it had been there for years!!

Sunday morning the totally restored Bollard which was donated and installed by Ken Socie, along with the help of John Rudolph, Don Stader, Bob Pulhuj and Vee Stader. Rope was added to the dolphins and wrapped around the bollard show how it was used to tie ships to docks.

Thursday the flag pole was installed with the help of volunteers. It started by going to Howard Pinkley’s house and removing the flag pole out of the ground, that he had graciously donated. Then there was the short trip down 131st and Summit street to Cullen Park, just over a mile. The volunteers installed new ropes and a battery powered solar light at the top, then in a matter of minutes the pole was uprighted and slid into the sleeve.
Project Complete!