Next Meeting – April 26th Thursday

Please note that the next meeting is on

Thursday , April 26th,

not Wednesday -just for this one meeting!

Ohio Division of Natural Resources, ODNR – Watercraft Division,

will be at the Vision of Cullen Park meeting

guest speaker will be Phil Miller, resource Planning administrator

Thursday April 26th, 6:30 pm, at CrossPoint Community Church

which is Located at  4212 Onondaga Avenue, Toledo, OH  (Point Place)

near Lehman and 283rd Streets.

Questions will be welcomed!

Web Site statisitcs

Just thought you would be interested in how many people look at the web site!

Cullen Park Web site statistics Jan 1st thru March 24th

555 total visitors

 365  first time visitors

 2,385 pages were viewed

 4.3 pages per visit

 4 minutes per visit

We have “clipped” the Kiosk !

Six paper clips are now permanently mounted to each side of the Kiosk. With these paper clips, it will be easier to post your information on the Kiosk, prior to this, people were using staple guns and nails, which is not the easiest way!  There are currently two items on the Kiosk, first is basic information about Visions of Cullen Park- meeting time and dates, with web site. The second item is a list of dates of upcoming events at the Cullen Park and meetings through June.


Next meeting – Wednesday, March 28th

Yep, it’s been two years now, since “The Visions of Cullen Park” was started this month!

The meeting will highlight the accomplishments of all the hard working volunteers, also there will be a snack and lite beverages available for all.

The meeting will then center around the “Anchor Project”, with details of the project.

So please come and find out what we’re about and what we would like to do to improve Cullen Park for the future!

 Go to  “meeting location” for a map showing direction to the CrossPoint community Church.

 Meetings start at 6:30pm, 4th Wednesday of the month.
CrossPoint Community Church
4212 Onondaga Avenue, Toledo, OH  (Point Place)
(east of Lehman at 283rd st)

The “CHIPS” are here

The City of  Toledo delivered  one (of hopefully more) truck load  of wood chips!

These chip will be spread out onto the walk way on the causeway, which reduces the mud encountered, while taking a nice casual hike out to the end of the causeway. You will see volunteers spreading the chips, if you have time stop and give them a hand, it sure would be appreciated!

City Truck delivering wood chips for causeway

March 2012 NEWS LETTER

Cullen Park News Letter for March 2012

     The Visions of Cullen Park Committee has been working very hard to make Cullen Park a nice place to visit on the weekends or after a long day at work. We can use all the help we can get to keep this movement going. Cullen Park belongs to everyone that uses the park and everyone should take ownership to some extent by helping take care of it. There was a group of people that got together to clean up the shore line between the ramps. It looks great! You can now sit on the benches and see the Maumee River and not have weeds in your face. They never said who they were and didn’t want any recognition for what they done, they just stepped in and did what they could to make the park a little better place for everyone.

    I’ve seen people walking out the causeway picking up trash on there way back and there are a few people that took ownership of Squadron Island. They go out there and pick up the trash that washes up on shore. At one point they had a nice bench set up on the island made of things that washed up on shore so people can set and watch the boats and lake freighters. Another group of people spread wood chips on the causeway to dress it up a little. It’s people like this that make a difference in the world and gives the Visions of Cullen Park Committee the incentive to drive forward with plans to make improvements at the park for everyone to enjoy for years to come.

  Hats off to everyone seen or not seen that go that extra mile to make Cullen Park shine at a time when the economy is so bad and jobs so hard to find. People can always go to Cullen Park, watch the boats, do a little fishing and relax on a hot summer day.


What’s happening at the park?

    The City of Toledo is going to re-apply for a grant to re-build the ramps, repave the parking lots, replace the docks and add a staging dock from ramp to ramp. It was applied for last year but the funds were not available from the state. If we get the grant it will not happen over night, there is a lot of planning that go’s into this.

   As most people know the dredging is completed thanks to Dale Ruppert (Retired) from the streets and harbor division that applied for the grant. We now have a channel running from the ramps to the Maumee River. Dale is also a member of the Visions of Cullen Park Committee.

 March 9th, Friday – The docks were installed.

 March 13th, Tuesday – The channel markers were put in.

March 14th,  Wednesday -The old range light has a new light, along with the target and pole was painted.

April 1st, The new range light is to be wired by this date, weather permitting.

 June 2nd Saturday – The Point Place Parade!! Starts at noon and will go north on summit , starting at 108th, turning right onto 131st .

June 3rd Sunday – We have a Walleye Tournament planned, more info will be on this web site.

 June 9th at 9 am Clean up Saturday –, we will be picking trash and debris in the park and on the causeway.  

 June 15th Friday – There will be a Canoe and Kayak race at Cullen Park. Starting at 4pm a Chicken and Ribs BBQ, at 5 there will be Games for the Kids, then at 6, is the Canoe race! Come and watch the fun.

More is in the planning!


 The Visions of Cullen Park Committee is working on a project to place an antique anchor at the entrance to the park, in front of the City of Toledo Parks sign. It’s a donation from a long time Point Place resident and family to be announced later. We are hoping to have this in place before Point Place Days Parade.

 I would like to encourage everyone that shops at Kroger to join the Kroger Community Reward Program to help Cullen Park. There is a link on this web sight with more information.

We always have room for more people to attend the Visions of Cullen Park meetings. Your input is very important and your help much appreciated.

                             Thank You………………… Visions of Cullen Park Committee             

The Docks are in!!

Warm up those boat motors and paddles (for the kayakers), the City of Toledo put the docks back in for the 2012 season Friday, March 9th!
The new range light will be wired and the newly dredged channel will get markers, both should be completed in the next couple of weeks!

Enjoy that newly dredged channel, you power boaters and let’s not forget to thank the Water Craft Division of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and City of Toledo, for that channel!










Existing Range light                                                   New Range light